


Documentary: Running With a Covert Narcissist

Brenda has been highlighted in a short documentary by James Bonato. Watch the entire film below.

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Therapy is about learning to love yourself and grow despite your past. It is about welcoming your struggles with the same strength and enthusiasm that you receive your victories, for it is through our struggles that we grow.

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The Vicious Circle: Understanding the Toxic Symbiosis of Narcissists and Their Enablers
In the complex dance of human relationships, few patterns are as destructive as the relationship between a narcissist and their enabler. This connection binds the two in a symbiotic (an interdependent relationship) and often devastating pattern of mutual reinforcement. The narcissist, with an insatiable appetite for attention and

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Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, author of “The Body Keeps The Score,” said that the lingering effect of trauma is that we react to mild stressors as if we are still in the original danger of the trauma. This means our brains and bodies can be (and are likely) in fight/flight, freeze/fawn, or other defensive states when we are

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